PETER KRSKO: ARBORIA This series has been developed as a commentary on the relationship between humans and flora, namely trees. In today society, after the trees are harvested, they are cut up into straight sterile dimensional lumber, mostly for the construction industry. Tons of this lumber ends up in the landfills. Originally, Krsko recovered this refuse, ripped it into thin strips and created forms that mimic the former organic forms, thus completing the cycles of life and death. |
ARBORI 2019 Monona Terrace Art on the Roof, Madison, WI The contrast within this sculpture arises from the combination of the cubic lattice that divides the space into regular pattern and the organic tree-inspired topography of the outer boundary. The lumber material will start as bright yellow pine and with time will slowly change into grey. The sculpture is partially inspired by the architecture, and was built on site at Monona Terrace. |
XYLEMXYL 2018 Ableman's Gorge in Rock Springs, WI Commissioned by Wormfarm Institute for Art/Farm DTour 2018 |
BOTANY 2017 University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI Sponsored by the Division of the Arts, UW Madison |
NOSTOS G(LAUKOS) 2018 Eaux Claires Festival, Eau Claire, WI |
NOSTOS K(YANOUS) 2018 Eaux Claires Festival, Eau Claire, WI |
ASTRON 2018 Collaboration with Nathan "SLOKE ONE" Nordstrom Longview Neighborhood Park and Edward Rendon Sr Park in Austin, TX Commissioned by Cultural Arts Division Austin for TEMPO 2018 |
GROWTH 2017 Olbrich Botanical Gardens, Madison, WI Sponsored by the Divison of the Arts, UW Madison and Olbrich Botanical Gardens |
SYLVAN CHAPEL 2014 Reedsburg, WI Commissioned by the Wormfarm Institute for Art/Farm DTour 2014 |
PARA 2018 Stevens Point, WI Commissioned by Stevens Point Sculpture Park |
COHESION TENSION Collaboration with Katie Schofield 2017 The City Park, Reedsburg, WI Commissioned by the Division of the Arts, UW Madison |
ZOETHICA W 2017 Wollen Mill Gallery, Reedsburg, WI Commissioned by the Division of the Arts, UW Madison |
ENDO X EXO 2016 Studio 39, Annapolis, MD Commissioned by Anne Arundel County Public Schools |
BEAMS 2015 Catylator, Silver Spring, MD |