: an arrangement of shapes covering and filling a surface or a space without any gaps or overlapping.

The emergent process of tesselation in nature is fascinating. The living tissues or bee hives are constructed in an efficient way of filling the space. Consequently, they invoke a pleasant response when observed. During the quest of analysis, Peter Krsko has developed algorithms and unique tools for understanding the intrinsic materialization and function of these patterns in nature.

Tessellations by Peter Krsko (an essay)

Wild Cucumber LOOK: Tropical Tessellations

in Olbrich Botanical Gardens, 3330 Atwood Ave, Madison, WI
The exhibit opens on February 16 and is open through March 24, 2019.

Walk through the tropical conservatory and experience the exhibit with the artist on:
Thursday, February 28, 6-7pm
Thursday, March 7, 9-10am
Saturday, March 16, 4-5pm

Participate in a hands-on workshop exploring tessellations in nature. Everyone will make a small sculpture under guidance of the artist on:
Tuesday, March 12, 6:30-8pm

The metal pieces developed for this exhibit are based on observation of natural tissues of plants, packing seeds in fruits and other natural materials. On the left, is a dry seed pod of common Wild cucumber (Echinocystis lobata).

Concave Carver Concave Carver

This tool was developed in order to carve concave spherical sections in wood. It is an example of science and art intersection. This carver that was meant to create carved sculptures, revealed clues how hexagonal packing is achieved through a repetitive circular motion. When the carved circles overlap, the resulting border between them is a perfectly straight line. This finding shows how bees and wasps produce perfect hexagonal patterns that emerged from circular motion.
It is a router suspended from an engine jack. It can be moved up and down and it swings freely in any horizontal direction like a pendulum.

Tessellation Sculpture An example of sculptures created with the carver described above.

Inner Foam "Inner Foam" This polyhedral packing demonstrated what a foam looks like inside. When a bubble floats in air, its shape is a sphere. However, when packed together, the spheres become polyhedra and tighly pack the space without any empty voids between them.

Inner Foam "Nuclei" (2019) Steel sculpture installed in Olbrich Botanical Gardens.

Inner Foam "Skola" This polyhedral packing demonstrated what a foam looks like inside. When a bubble floats in air, its shape is a sphere. However, when packed together, the spheres become polyhedra and tighly pack the space without any empty voids between them.

Inner Foam "Statera" (2019) Steel sculpture installed in Olbrich Botanical Gardens.

Inner Foam "Polyporus" (2019) Steel sculpture installed in Olbrich Botanical Gardens.

(c) Peter Krsko 2018